Friday, September 14, 2012

New Favorite

A few months ago I posted here
about my extreme love of,
and exceptionally nerdy interest in,
Les Miserables
the musical.

I geeked out and told you about all my favorite preformances.
Therefore, I must now tell you about my new favorite.

It's a version of "Bring Him Home"
From President Thomas S. Monson's Birthday celebration.
The man who sings, Dallyn Bayles,
has a voice that is simply clean and pure and beautiful.
And I also love that Mack Wilberg is conducting the orchestra behind him.
(as my mom says every time she sees Mack; 
"He's the best.")
Plus, to see this song sung so beautifully in the Conference Center,
made the message all the more powerful.

Grateful for:
President Thomas S. Monson;
for the blessing of prophets on the earth today,
and for a prophet who has taught so much by example
the importance of love and service to each individual.

Monday, September 10, 2012

a little BYU-Idaho lovin'

I know someone that just recently went off to BYU-Idaho, and before they left, they and their family asked me how I enjoyed my experience there.  I told them I loved it.  They then asked me why, and expressed their concerns about BYU-Idaho being in little bitty Rexburg, and it being super cold, and frankly, that they were a little worried that it would not be up to par for what they expected a college experience to be.  I tried as best as I could to reassure them.  I knew they'd all love it.  Don't worry, I said.  Rexburg is  tiny and in the middle of nowhere, that's true.  And it is rather cold, and can be socially awkward at times... And yes, for sure, it's different than any other college; that's definitely true too.  But what makes it different though is what makes it such a wonderful experience!  
I'm not quite sure they got what I was trying to say.

I've been thinking about this conversation a lot over the last few weeks.
I've also been studying for and finally took the GRE;
and I've started applying to Graduate school.

All this has made me really look back over my time at BYU-I.
So much so, I was even watching youtube videos of BYU-I devotionals the other day.
I ended coming across this video in my search:

(watch out, the first part is a little cheesy... but I love this video)

I surrre love that place.

When I first moved there, they were still building the temple.
Now that's been complete for a few years,
and they've expanded campus so much.

At BYUI I made life-long friends.
Sincere friends.
Such as, dearest Melanie Roy
who just got home from her mission!!

And lots and lots of others;
examples of worthy preisthood holders,
and faithful Relief Society sisters,
returned missionaries,
and brand-new sealed families.

My education there taught how much I love working with kids.
I also learned how important it is that that kind of work gets done well.
And I feel like, because I learned it at BYU-Idaho,
I gained that knowledge along with learning that it's important
because of how much their Heavenly Father loves them.

At BYU-I I learned a whoooole lot about how Relief Society works.
And learned a new depth for what being a member of Relief Society means.

Now let's be honest for a minute;
Rexburg is  freakishly cold.
And snowy.
And icy.
For a ridiculously long amount of the year.

Rexburg also has very little to offer by way of entertainment.
So we had to improvise a lot...

And it's not exactly the most stylish place; it's too cold to be fashionable.
(and we all know how much I love high heels and such...)

But where else could I have gone to school just down the hill from this?? 

Or meet the friends that I did?
Or start my classes off with a prayer?
Or have my weekly/daily/hourly lessons taught
in conjunction with principles of the gospel?
Or learn about the kind of person I want to fundamentally be
in the same class where I was learning how to do my future job?

... or where else would it be an option to sing "Come Thou Fount" at my graduation?
Or have my commencement speech given by Elder Scott??
(other than BYU in P-town or Hawaii of course...)

BYU-Idaho was just where I know I needed to gain an education.
Going there is a different type of educational experience from any other.
And that has to do in great measure with the spirit that is on that campus.
I'm very grateful for that freezing cold campus in the middle of nowhere!!

My fave quote from that video was,
"I came to prepare for my whole life."
Quote of the day:
" and learn, and become acquainted with all good books,
and with languages, tongues, and people."
D&C 90:15