Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tinder Review

Tinder is my new favorite thing.

I mean, here's a little taste of the Tinder messages I've received throughout the last few days:

"Hey have you figured out our story so we don't say we met on Tinder?"
     Yes.  You send me that message, I never reply, and we never meet.
     If I do meet/date/marry someone from Tinder, I will label every picture with him #TinderLove

"We can always say we met in line at the grocery store lol."
     (I guess I could also use this as a reply to that first guy.)

"Hello gorgeous, will you be my tinderella?"
     This one might be my favorite.

"I'm in love with you, will you marry me?"
     Uh, yes.  Duh.

"So are you as beautiful in person as you are in all your pictures?  Because that's one amazing smile."
     I honestly don't know how to answer this one.

"I like your look :)"
     Does this refer to how attractive he finds me, or how my face appears when I gaze at something... ?

"You're gorgeous and from Texas! Win win."
     Ok, I revoke my initial acceptance of marriage--I'm marrying this guy!

"Pizza or sushi?"
     Clever.  I liked this one.

"Wow ur gorgeous!"
     And THIS is why Tinder is wonderful.

"You look like a gorgeous princess from a fairy tale."
     That was almost as good as the time a kid thought I was Rapunzel.

"How does Moses make tea... Hebrews it!"
     Hold on, can I marry this one??

"What if I fish like Brad Pitt in the movie A River Runs Through It?"
    Uh, I would prefer that you eat insatiably like Brad Pitt in Oceans 11.

In all seriousness though, in 4 days on Tinder I've had the opportunity (if I've wanted it) to go on over twice as many dates as I have had the chance to go on in a whole year of living in Utah.  I have yet to actually go on any of these dates, so I recognize we're talking quantity versus quality here, but that's a GINORMOUS difference.  I've decided Tinder is a great type of a wing-man... like you know how when you're interested in someone, and you want to get that confirmation from a trusted friend that they think the person you like, likes you back?  And you always secretly wish your friend would just straight up ask them... well Tinder is that friend, and it ALWAYS comes through.  You only get matched up with someone if you both say you're interested.  And then you start a text conversation.  Straightforward.  Simple.  Yes, dating made simpler.  I didn't think that was possible.

Now, the method of "matching up" with people is a fairly shallow one; you see a photo of someone and swipe the picture to the right if you're interested, and swipe left on the other hand if you're not.  You can take the time to read their "Tinder statement" that they've written about themselves, and look to see if you have friends or interests in common... but um, that takes a lot of extra time.  So mostly, you swipe right or left, if you find them attractive or not.  Therefore obviously, there are some creepers on there, and it's a "read the book by the cover" situation initially.

But again, it removes that long, arduous, monotonous, and frustrating period of time where you're figuring out if that person is even interested in dating first of all, and then second, interested in dating you.  They're on Tinder, they swiped right, so they're interested.  It's awesome.  And if you have decent social and conversational skills, from that point on, it's similar to "real life" dating.

If you want to meet and date people, I recommend it.

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."
--Muhammad Ali


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tender Mercies

"The Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ."

Life is hard.  It can be disappointing.  And it can be lonely.
And also at the same time it can be too full, and overwhelming.
And stress-filled.
Like all day.
Every day.  

It is also undeniably FULL of those tender mercies.
Even for someone with quirky tastes 
and a weird sense of humor like me.

For example,
here are a few tender mercies I have enjoyed recently;

a haircut where my bangs weren't cut too short

glittery nail polish

royal babies

a random shuffle playing Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas"

hippie institute teachers who sometimes dress to match their lessons

discovering my friend and I have similar perspectives on life currently

unexpected kind words from my students' parents

the witty one-liners my students can't help but come up with,
that make me chuckle out loud

just  enough laundry detergent for all my clothes

Costa Vida quesadillas

the fact that my sister loves Costa Vida as much as I do

having my sister as my roomie

having my sister there all the time to talk about boys...
and such

mis-calculating this month's budget 10 times in a row,
and then because of the miscalculation, 
having an extra $60 left over after bills were paid

random calls from friends 
(which I'm exceptionally bad at returning if I miss them)
that come exactly  at the time I need them
to remind me of all the love I have right there with me all the time

invitations to come over for dinner

random hugs

uplifting, edifying, inspiring emails from my good dad

sweet voicemails, and Little Mermaid shirts from my mom

Also, the other night, I was home alone, and a little bummed that such was the situation, when someone came and knocked on my door.  They'd had a rough day, and simply needed to share that with someone, and were only over for 10 minutes, tops.  But when they left, they said "Thank you for being home."  

Uh, yeah, that was a tender mercy.
It knocked me off my feet.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Reminded by the Unfamiliar

I looove the perspective that seeing unfamiliar places, and trying different foods, and meeting new people can bring.  It's enlightening and uplifting, and really quite freeing.  Those experiences have changed me.  I've said this a ga-jillion times before, but I've been super blessed to travel a lot and see a few of those different perspectives; and that chance has been undeniably influential in terms of shaping my view of life, and has taught me to find joy and really appreciate the glorious things that cross my path all the time.

For example, London showed me that every day occurrences 
should not be taken for granted.

Also, it was there that I acknowledged that nothing excites me more
than getting dressed up and going to musicals.

And, most importantly,
that there is no more delicious food around
than a legit bowl of yellow chicken curry

Australia taught me to stop and smell the roses, 

and take time to admire the awe of all little breathtaking beauties,

and especially to recognize that they're always surrounding me.

Hawaii reminded me, that while beaches are so lovely,
friends that are kind and patient enough
to put up with my awful attempts at surfing
are even better.

And that the spirit from Temples
is as strong and pure and true
and always.

The Netherlands jolted me to remember the freedoms I enjoy.

Belgium is where I learned that scarves are essential to a classy look.

Germany taught me that carbs are good,

but also that the church is true, and the spirit is moving
even if the gospel is being taught in a language I don't understand.

Paris taught me to life is meant to be lived gorgeously.

That I make the choice to fill my life with beauty,

and love.

NYC, with all its palpable energy,
showed me that life should be exciting...

...and that we all have a need for aesthetics to enhance our day to day existence.

And also that even in smack dab in the middle of such a vibrant city,
this most important place can stand waveringly.
Maybe quietly in comparison to its surroundings,
but still so immensely moving when you come upon it.

Life is bursting at the seams with goodness and light and happiness and beauty.  And while Paris, London, and NYC aren't necessarily at our disposal when we're in need of a reminder that life IS beautiful, there are endless venues of light to remind us what we do have to be grateful for.  Those roses are there for us to stop and smell all day everyday if we seek them out.

"Recently I stood on the north shore of the beautiful Pacific island gazing out to sea at daybreak... As I watched this magnificent scene in reverence, a window formed in the clouds; the glistening rays of the rising sun broke through the overcast sky, transforming everything with its luminescence, its color, its life.  It was as if the Lord wanted to share an additional blessing, a symbol of the light of His teachings that gives brilliance and hope to everyone it touches.  Tears of gratitute formed for this wondrous world in which we live, for the extraordinary beauty our Heavenly Father so freely shares with all who are willing to see.  Truly, life is beautiful."
--Elder Richard G. Scott Finding Joy In Life, 1996

Saturday, September 6, 2014


It's been my favorite summer;
full of family,
full of friends,
and full of musicals.
( there was a little Texas in there too.)
Although, it has also definitely been 
the summer of me admitting how gorgeous Utah really is.

And it really was the summer of musicals;

Les Miserables...
(they were both at the outdoor theater in Orem)

And Fiddler on the Roof at Sundance 
with my most favorite aunt Angie
(and sweet Grandpa Merlin too!)...
for which I clearly felt I had to dress up as Yenta the match maker.
And it was seriously so great, I saw this one twice.

Hey, and just in case no one has told you--
Utah is the best place to experience the 4th of July.

Especially if your friends can cook
your 4th of July food on a grill.

Plus, any holiday is enhanced by spending it with sweet kids.
My cousins' kids are the cuuuutest.

Also, speaking of cute sweet kids,
my students are actually, literally the best students in the world.
And they drew/brought me treats all summer long.

And then I got to "fill the canteen"
with tons of family time.
A little in Utah....

(my ridiculously good-looking, duface brother)

A little in TEXAS...
(When Sister Robinson came home!!!)

(We were a little cramped for space to take naps when we were all at home...)



And then a some more in Utah again...

Aaaand, Logan brought us each our own hat 
from his accounting adventure at Disney World.

I mean, really,
just so good.

Friday, September 5, 2014

In My Opinion; The Most Attractive

Other than "the givens" --you know, that he is a good and kind person, that he loves God, and he likes me, that he thinks my jokes are funny, and that he agrees with me that Texas is the finest of all states--I've come to the conclusion that there are basically two things that a guy can do that make him seriously attractive.

1. He asks the girl on dates.  I recognize this is not a super hipster view of the dating situation currently, but I'm admittedly old fashioned on this one. Now, I am also a southern, Texas girl, and I happen to hail from a place where it is simply more of an expectation than a special situation that guys hold the door open for a girl and such, so maybe I'm a little biased. I honestly could write a whole post about this subject, but bottom line, I find it incredibly attractive to know  that a guy is interested in dating me, and telling  me he'd like to take me on a date is a pretty sure-fire way of getting that point across.  And guys I know it's nerve-wracking to ask a girl out, but when a boy calls me up, and there's a hint of nervousness in his voice, I'll be honest, I just melt.

2. He offers to help.  Once, I dated this really sweet guy; he was kind and always told me I was beautiful, and I won't complain about that, that was real nice.  But, at the time I was working two jobs with crazy hours, and he never even offered to help me out in any way.  Instead, he actually would get frustrated if I had other obligations and couldn't go out on a date with him.  I didn't realize it until later, but that was the most alone I've honestly ever felt. (It's not a great idea to be in need of help, and not know how to ask for it, and then get into a relationship with someone who has no clue how to offer it...) Another time though, I dated someone while I was juggling a lot of responsibilities from a calling at church, and this guy would literally come walk next to me while I was going around like a crazy person taking care of those responsibilities.  And in contrast to that first situation, this second guy's support made me feel more taken care of and cared about then almost anything else anyone has done for me.  So if a guy offers to come help me do anything, even as simple as helping me to carry my bags, despite the fact that I'm pretty darn independent, it just makes me appreciate him 10 times more.  And it's the same if I see him offer to help other people.  It's real attractive.  Just sayin.

On the other hand, here are some things I could not care less about:

1. His muscles.  I readily admit that I'm not the best at going to the gym consistently, so I honestly do admire how much commitment it takes for him to work out to get those big muscles.  But, if they don't make him any kinder, or more witty, funny, or better at conversation, it just doesn't make that much of a difference to me.

2. How much money he makes.  I. Don't. Care.  I mean, there are some red flags related to this subject--such as massive amounts of debt, or a lack of motivation to work--but hey, no matter what your profession is, as long as you're a dedicated and hard worker, life can be real good.  I'm more impressed by a guy's drive and passion than his paycheck.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts I've had lately.  Thanks for indulging me and reading my rant.  Peace and Blessings y'all.

Grateful for: Knowing scads of wonderful people.  I'd be real ungrateful if I didn't acknowledge how much dang love is in my life.