Recap of the constant adventure that is NYC...
A plane and bus ride, and a metro pass and a bit of walking later...
we came upon the Plaza !!
Which inspired plenty of "Home Alone 2" quotes,
and made me feel like I was inside one of my favorite children's books;
"Eloise at the Plaza"
Then, when Aubrey, Christina and Mandy headed off to see "Evita" on Broadway...
...I headed off to an art museum.
Of course.
And also happened to catch the season premier of Project Runway on Times Square.
Nooo big deal.
"Che" in Evita was played by none other than Ricky Martin.
Seriously y'all, no big deal.
And of course we stopped for some Max Brenner dessert afterwards.
Good thing I'd sampled the chocolate at Max Brenner in Australia;
before I couldn't eat chocolate any more!
(But a s'mores sundae is delicious with just vanilla, in case you were wondering)
Next morning; Central park (where some awesome people went running... I am not included... I walked around all art-nerdy and took tons of pictures...)
and then Statue of Liberty.
In some rather perfect weather.
Then, obviously, China town.
Anyone need a purse??
Adventures around every corner.
And Aubrey found some fruit!!
Great deals--she was so excited!
Are you ready for this??
Seeing as we were SUCH fans,
we took the tip to stay and wait for the cast after the show.
Best. Idea. Ever.
Sooo many handsome boys.
Seriously; life changing.
And then we just wrapped it up with a little Brooklyn Bridge/pizza magic.
Can I just live there please??
Grateful for: Artwork on the subway.
And friends that don't get too embarrassed when I pull out my gargantuan camera to snap a photo of it.