Tuesday, May 22, 2012

List of Twenty Four: Things I love about being a "grown up"

Being a "grown up" is the best.  Now, I feel as though I should use this term "grown up" loosely as I still treasure (and usually am the one perpetuating in the children and adults around me), childhood.  I live for opportunities to use my imagination and strive to appreciate my life with a child-like wonder... but I also really love some things about being a "grown up"...

1. The updated, wiser version of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; my favorite, delicious, gluten free flax bread, 'smart choice' peanut butter, and agave nectar... It's nice for my taste buds to enjoy such childhood-delicacies, but to also have gained the wisdom to know that I'm putting foods into my body that will make it very happy as well.
2. A degree in Child Development with a minor in Art that gives me a licence for the rest of my life to get lost in a stack of children's books on a regular basis, and have a legitamate excuse.
3. Dating men instead of boys.
4. Dates to places like art museums.
5.Having smart and cultured and wise and adventurous adult friends.
6. My friends having babies.
7. Being an adult daughter and sister and granddaughter.  It's suuuper fun!!
8. Being invited to the adult table when I go to Grandma CC's for dinner.
9. Updated taste buds... mmmm sushi....
10. Owning a kitchen aid.
11. My own little carefully collected library of DVD's.
12. My Toyota Corolla named Eleanor Rigby.  I LOVE her.
13. Traveling. Scary and stressful as a kid... soooo fun as an adult.
14. Kids thinking I know all.  (As I am 24, clearly my wisdom is without bounds!)
15. NOT being a teenager.
16. A new found appreciation for my womanly curves.
17. A few years under my belt spent creating a personal style.
20. A sense of gumption to be myself in my style, personality and relationships gained through the experiences I've had transitioning from childhood to adulthood.
19. The fact that high heels are acceptable almost all the time.
20. Responsibilities.  It's a wonder to be in charge of the aspects of your life; it's a whole mess of opportunities to create that I never anticipated!
11. It's cool to talk about babies and baking and decorating your house.
22. Visiting Teaching (who would've thought when I was in YW??)
23. the Temple
24. RELIEF SOCIETY!! My fave!

Also Grateful for: A bounteous number of wonderful cousins in my life. Like Brandon who is just the greatest and headed off to med school, and who I got to see a few weeks ago! I love this pic from when we got to go out to lunch! (Also, my wonderful Californian cousins who I got to see last week, and congrats to sweet Summer Marie on the news of her baby GIRL due in the fall!!) I am sooo blessed to know them!!

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