Saturday, November 16, 2013

I've recently taken a hiatus from this blogging thing...
due to some time-consuming activities;
all that moving to Utah,
searching for the perfect job,
re-constructing my life plans,
you know,
the usual.

And in the midst of all that,
there was a minute there
where I actually contemplated ridding myself
of any and all superfluousness,
(I know, big word... look it up)
including this blog.
I simply get overwhelmed sometimes
by blogs, and facebook, 
and instagram and pinterest...
and think
I don't really care what you ate for lunch,
or every thought that runs through your head,
so why am I spending so much of my time
looking at your pictures and posts?
And even more puzzlingly,
why do I feel the need to post 
the random thoughts in my head??
Holy overload of 
not-really-important information Batman!!

Before I hit that delete button though,
I remembered that my soul is undeniably artistic.
And all of the most unhappy intervals of my life
are marked by my decisions to stifle some outlet of creativity.
So, Imma keep bloggin'.
Deal with it.

Sorry to add to the inundation 
of information being thrown in your face from the internet.
But hey, if you clicked on this link,
you brought it upon yourself!
Bless you for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I'd be terribly disappointed if you deleted this bloggity-blog!
