Monday, November 18, 2013

Jason's Deli

I started regularly eating at Jason's Deli
probably about 2 years ago.
 I discovered they had gluten free bread,
so therefore I could pick any of the regular sandwiches,
just switch out the bread,
and Voila!
My tummy and my mouth could be happy at the same time.
In other words, I could eat real food items off the menu,
and not rabbit-food salds all the time.
Then, I discovered that the kids that I nannied
loved Jason's Deli just as much as me (and maybe even a little bit more),
so for a while we went about once a week.

And even, sometimes I'd take the kids for Friday dinner,
and then when I got off on Saturday or Monday night, I'd go again!
I went so often in fact,
I was always greeted personally by a member of the staff.
His name was Daniel, and he always knew 
exactly what I was going to order
before I even asked.

I think I kept going back not only because 
I appreciated their gluten free menu options,
but the people there were so courteous, 
(and knew me so well)
I kind of felt like we were my friends!

this sweet, puppy-dog-kinda cute,
like 19/20 year old started working there...
and always seemed to be working at the register when I went in.
He did suuuch a great job at being friendly...
he even snuck me free fruit cups a few times.
So accommodating.

And even one when time I was running some errands after work,
totally overwhelmed and preoccupied after a really long day;
and had to stop at a completely different Jason's Deli,
the guy working there not only asked how my day went,
but took a few minutes to talk when I replied that it had been a long one.
Plus, he gave me free cookies on my way out the door!
"To help you have a good night",
he said.

And this free food always seemed to be accompanied by a smile.
No wonder I have continued to go back.

Well today I kept my tradition going.
It was one of those days that only a panini-style
 Jason's Deli turkey sandwich could fix.
And my new Utah Jason's Deli friend - Joshua - made sure to learn my name,
since he said he'd seen me there a few times before
(uh yes, that might be true...)
and said he should learn my name so he could greet me personally next time.
Joshua, I don't know if I can explain what a difference
your small, friendly gesture made.
Thanks new friend.

So whoever decided to ensure that the Jason's Deli staff
are exceptionally friendly,
thank you!
You've seriously made a ton of my nights.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I've recently taken a hiatus from this blogging thing...
due to some time-consuming activities;
all that moving to Utah,
searching for the perfect job,
re-constructing my life plans,
you know,
the usual.

And in the midst of all that,
there was a minute there
where I actually contemplated ridding myself
of any and all superfluousness,
(I know, big word... look it up)
including this blog.
I simply get overwhelmed sometimes
by blogs, and facebook, 
and instagram and pinterest...
and think
I don't really care what you ate for lunch,
or every thought that runs through your head,
so why am I spending so much of my time
looking at your pictures and posts?
And even more puzzlingly,
why do I feel the need to post 
the random thoughts in my head??
Holy overload of 
not-really-important information Batman!!

Before I hit that delete button though,
I remembered that my soul is undeniably artistic.
And all of the most unhappy intervals of my life
are marked by my decisions to stifle some outlet of creativity.
So, Imma keep bloggin'.
Deal with it.

Sorry to add to the inundation 
of information being thrown in your face from the internet.
But hey, if you clicked on this link,
you brought it upon yourself!
Bless you for stopping by!