I recently discovered the charming blog of a graphic designer in NYC. Oh so lovely and inspiring. Makes me want to move to New York reeeeal bad. (I think secretly since I saw You've Got Mail when I was like 10, I've wanted to move to New York and eat bagels and drink Starbucks hot chocolate and live in a cute little apartment and buy over-priced childrens books, and sometimes that desire still pops up with random encouragement from such things as cute blogs...) I was particularly inspired by an idea for her most recent updates. She's been doing these "Lists of Thirty"--I think because she recently turned thirty--these lists included "Favorite Things to Eat in NYC", "Things I Learned in my 20's", etc...
So it got me thinking, I recently turned 24, and I LOVE lists. They're rather organized, but still this wonderful modge-podge of lots of different and wonderful things. (Okay, so maybe my gargantuan, weekly list of "to-do's" for each week is not exactly
loaded with
wonderful things, but the wonder is scattered throughout amidst lots of "must-dos'"... I still love it all the same, and would not accomplish much without this list) So I thought I'd do my own versions as posts; Lists of Twenty Four. And here's #1.
List of Twenty-Four: Things I Love Right Now
(and this idea came riiight off the
1. Bluebonnets... and spring!
2. Gluten Free cinnamon raisin french toast
3. the Book of Mormon (specifically the story of the Brother of Jared)
4. My impressionist-inspired skirt
5. Green Pants (new and improved)
6. My black Suede birthday pumps
7. Hipster/Buddy Holly glasses
8. My doctor... first time in my whooole life
9. My mom and daddy and my bruders and sisters
10. My brother's 7 and a half minute history lesson on the Byzantine Empire
11. Claude Debussy "Arabesque 1" sheet music
12. late-night Barbara Streisand movies
13."We are Young" by Fun.
14. Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit
15. friends from the Mt Bonnell singles ward
16. watching friends play gigs at cool coffee houses down on Lake Austin
17. getting in touch with friends from a long time ago
18. Pics of my besties brand new baby!! I'm obsessed!
19. Being a Nanny
20. Austin
21. Pearl Earrings
22. HGTV
23. Updates from the new Les Mis musical movie
24. My camera

Doesn't this just make you want to go gluten free??
Quote of the day: "And behold, I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come. Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you that ye may have light when ye are swallowed up in the depths of the sea?" Ether 2:25