[This post is mean to be read like a Jimmy Fallon "thank you notes" segment]
Thank you
For denying me acceptance to your school. Twice. Because I'm still not over how much I love BYU Idaho and going to Grad School in Boston, MA instead of Provo, UT is probably the coolest thing that will happen to my life. Ever.
Dear every boy I've ever fallen in love with who hasn't loved me back,
Thank you
For giving me the chance to realize that I don't need you AT ALL to be loved, validated, appreciated, and considered enough. I can do that all on my own.
Dear particular boy who really hurt my heart,
Thank you
For being the Warner to my Elle Woods.
Dear Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,
Thank you
For teaching me that a healthy body takes many forms (and sizes and weights), and to admire health and wellness over skinniness and other physical traits.
Dear Depression,
Thank you
For helping me understand what a dementor attack feels like...
Haha. Juuuuuust kidding. Sort of.
Thank you for teaching me to laugh at absolutely everything I can. Because laughing is a good ab workout and a great defender of hope. Also, thank you for teaching me to bask in the sunlight when it's around.
Dear Netflix, bubble baths, and chocolate treats,
Thank you
For existing.