Wednesday, November 23, 2016

You always have control of TWO things; your ATTITUDE, and your OUTFIT

This kind of feels like
a grown-up dress-up post...

...but it was really fun, hahaha!

It was inspired by my favorite season,
my love for fashion,
the desire to dress up on my day off,
where this adorable plaid and gold bracelet is from!!

Tell them I sent you by using the promo code: AMANDA20
and you'll get 20% off your entire order!
They have really cute patterns to choose from,
and my favorite part is that you can add any quote to the inside.
I've been living by this one lately,
"What if you fail,
Oh, but my darling,
what if you fly?"
...and it's nice to have it to carry around with me now!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I admire the fighters. The ones who push through and break out and challenge the wrong. I've watched them all my life in awe and admiration. Passion fuels them, drives them, and moves them. It pushes them do debate and defend with tenacity and vehemence.

I used to think I was too scared to be a fighter. And maybe that was true. The kids that bullied me in elementary school--I admit I was scared to stand up to them. But it wasn't too long before I grew out of the fear. Eventually, I realized I'd just rather not fight. I'd rather wait patiently, until awkwardness pierced the silence, and the bully's mean intensity dissipated. I'd rather create a safe space around me and my friends where we could feel the most happiness. I craved peace not justice, so I'd rather keep to myself.  I've watched a lot of people around me and wondered why they even wanted to fight. I've felt a lot that same way this last week.

Life has taught me it is crucial though to stand up for yourself and those you know have unmet needs; otherwise some basic needs never get met. People and life with drain you dry if you don't stop them. And some people are just cruel and vicious in their need to be powerful and correct. Those people need to be reminded they aren't allowed to be like that. So a level of fight is a part of life. But find myself still wondering at the need to fight. Although, that's just me. My natural tendency is not to clench my fists and defend, but rather to retreat and give space. I don't know which is better.

But maybe the world is actually in need of both. The fighters and the peace seekers. Fighters breed needed change and growth, and peace makers satiate and cultivate habitats where those fight-induced changes can flourish. So I guess they're both needed.

Just try not to forget; whether you're fighting for change or your cultivating growth, at the end of the day, it's about people. It's not about winning, and it's not about perfecting. It's about loving and improving people. And if we want a better world, we all need each other.

Just a little food for thought.

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year... FALL

I LOVE this time of year.
Just before the holiday season,
and just before the snow comes too...

Also, did yall see the SUPER MOON??
Seriously tho.

I think growing up in Texas,
where there are only really two seasons;
HOT, and rainy,
this whole in-between-seasons FALL thing
mesmerizes me every year.

Also, every time I trash talk Utah at all,
I walk outside and see stuff like THIS...

But, daaaang. #utahisgorgeous

And I think this week of the year is my favorite because,
autumn and its leaves are still hanging around,
thanksgiving dinner is coming up soon,
Christmas is just around the corner....
and football season is just about over...

Feeling real thankful.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

On Being Enough

I've thought a lot about, and struggled a lot with the concept of being enough. I've listened to and read talks and studies about what defines "being enough". The funny thing is, where I've learned the most about it is actually during my experiences working as a teacher.

I always know my students are enough as soon as they walk through the classroom door. They have everything within their minds, hearts, and character to succeed. And flourish. And add to the world so much light. And actually, most of my students come into the classroom carrying some major learning roadblocks. But no matter what they have to work through or overcome, nothing is too great of a struggle to keep them from reaching their astonishing potential.

It's crazy how much this has taught me too about my own capabilities. As I have literally "preached" (if you will) the truth of individual potential to each of my students, I have found myself each time learning more and more that it's even true for me and my life! I still find this concept exceptionally difficult to grasp on some days, but the more I work and keep moving forward, the more I trust in my own capacity. And I continue to see how I am enough; how I have enough within me already, to become.

The crucial part of this concept of being enough, or whole, for me, comes from a belief that I have access to a relationship with God. That I can at any and all times access the help of an omniscient and all powerful being, who will aid me in reaching goals. And today at a world wide church teacher training meeting (say that 3 times fast), both my teaching and religious worlds collided to help me learn more about myself and the concept of being enough.

We read this verse of scripture about charity, "Wherefore, my beloved bretheren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart... that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this HOPE; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

I realized today that some people struggle with faith, some people struggle with humility, etc... and I struggle to have hope. I sincerely have faith that all things are possible through Heavenly Father, but I don't always have hope that my goals can be met. It sounds contradictory, but that is my fundamental struggle. This lack of hope is what causes me to feel desperate and alone, and overcome with despair and depression at times.

But I also realized today that what I do undoubtedly have faith, and what I do always hope for (despite my own cyclical trials), is a hope that I can become like the Savior. He is my closest friend and I know His character, and love and so deeply admire it. And while I don't always have hope for the aspects of my life; like hope that I will ever be able to run a marathon, or hope that there will be the vocational opportunities for me to create the life I desire for myself, or even the hope that the men I come to love will ever remain faithful and be able to be sealed to me in the temple; I DO have a piercingly bright hope that I can become like the being whom I admire the most, my brother and Savior, Jesus Christ.

And I am making it my choice now to let that hope permeate all other hopes I have, and BE ENOUGH to see me through all trials that I will face.

The only time this could become a disappointing aspiration is if I were to completely stop trying. Then I would lose my reason to hope. And while I know I am so far from perfect, and I know there are multiple times I've taken a few steps forward and then many more steps backward, I also know that I have never stopped trying. I struggle with confidence in my abilities in all areas of my life, but I realized I can be confident in the fact that I have not ever given up.

Today when Elder Holland was talking about being called or asked to serve as a teacher in the church, he said "You were called because of who you ARE, not because of who you are NOT." I had the thought too, that we are also called to help us to become what we are not already. We are constantly being given opportunities to become.

Anyway, the gospel is true, and life is so good, albeit really really hard and confusing at times. Also, people are also full of so much good and light and potential. So remember, it's never that you're not enough. You're always enough. But you also can become exponentially, inexplicably, unfathomably MORE. You just need to be willing to ask, and then keep moving forward without giving up.