I think this post (and blog in general) is mostly for me... it
is pretty much the only journaling I've done in YEARS... plus, I've been doing
a lot of reflecting lately, and this is the result. So without further ado,
here are my 28 lessons I've learned in my 28 years thus far:
1) Every year I care less and less what people think of me. It's
the best feeling ever, so bring on more birthdays please.
2) Laughter makes EVERYTHING better.
3) PEOPLE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT. More important than things, or
awards, or power, or money.
4) Support others, and build a support system of people around
you, and you will always be okay.
5) INVEST IN YOURSELF; eat healthy foods, exercise, go to the
dentist regularly (maybe even get an electric toothbrush), use a good face
wash, and get a massage and/or take a bubble bath every once in a while.
6) INVEST IN OTHERS; write cards and letters, make cookies, take
trips just to visit people, LISTEN, take an interest in people.
7) Hang out with people who are very different than you.
9) Eat ALL the foods. (Or at least TRY all of them.)
10) Speaking of trying;
Go to a football game. Go to a musical. Go to a soccer match. Go to an art
museum. Learn how to play lacrosse. Take a dance class. Give it all a try.
11) DON'T LABEL. No good ever comes from the label
"pretty" or "handsome" or "ugly" or
"smart" or "slow" or "dumb" or "fat" or
12) DO DIAGNOSE. Really good things come from pin pointing
depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, Asperger's, autism, hormone disorders,
food sensitivities, etc...
13) BE PROUD OF HOW YOU LOOK. I used to have an awful relationship with my reflection in the mirror. Like I would avoid mirrors at all costs. I've worked really hard to appreciate myself though, and it's such a relief to actually LIKE... me. #sometimesSELFIESaretherapeutic
14) EMBRACE YOUR CRAZY. Maybe sometime I'll invite yall over for one of my baptist-preacher-style sermons... aka rants... about dating/BYU culture/bad men's shoes...
Or one of my Adele-sing-your-heart-out-sing-alongs...
15) ...also, sometimes it's okay to swear. it get's the point across very clearly, and releases a lot of emotional pressure...
16) ...also, all men should have beards at some point of their lives, because all girls should have the opportunity to kiss a bearded man at some point... but *ahem* enough about my crazy...
17) LOVE like CRAZY. Even if people don't love you the same way back, or even love you at all. It's ALWAYS worth it to love them.
18) LOVE what you do.
"Find something you're passionate about, and stay tremendously interested in it."
--Julia Child
19) The greateset satisfaction/self esteem boost/motivation comes from working HARD. Like until you're so dead tired. Or your muscles can barely move. This doesn't (and shouldn't) happen ALL DAY, everyday, but it should happen regularly enough it makes you appreciate what you have so much more.
20) CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. Take it from this formerly painfully shy and indecisive girl who was recently described as a "sassy and determined", that we can become COMPLETELY DIFFERENT if we work hard enough and persevere long enough.
21) The Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ is REAL, and is the only way that deep, lasting change IS possible.
22) God exists. I know He does, because as I have turned to Him in prayer and applied that Atonement--which I have chosen to believe that He prepared for me and for everyone--my life has changed SIGNIFICANTLY for the better.
23) I WOULD NOT BE where I am today without my Heavenly Father. I'd be a total basket-case if left to my own devices.
24) God is PERFECT and ETERNAL, and we are His children, so WE are ETERNAL, and have the potential to become PERFECT through His plan for us. Woah.
25) Families are eternal. Thank goodness.
26) Life is hard, but that doesn't mean it's bad.
27) Good, light, and happiness are ALWAYS available if we choose to seek them out.
28) Lipstick fixes everything. Either that or chocolate-covered cinnamon bears.
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
--Mae West