(any and all Christmas-y goodness)
MoTab concerts
Lord of the Rings inspired gingerbread houses
visits with friends
delicious smelling/tasting gifts from my students
not dying on the exceptionally choppy airplane ride home
the "Polar Express"
brothers wearing sweaters
"It's a Wonderful Life"
Mariah Carey Christmas music
real Christmas trees
my mom's 40-some-odd nativities
the Christ-centered Christmas focus
Chuy's fajita chicken salad
Texas winter weather
(and missing the beginning of the Utah snow)
finding the perfect shirt for family pictures
Cousins, and cousin-in-laws, and cousin's babies
sweet grandparents;
and especially a kindred spirit in this grandma
the movie, Music of the Heart
seriously, wow! Juuust what I needed.
Also, Into the Woods;
and really,
pretty much any movie with Meryl Streep,
am I right??
And those people;
plus these besties;
A new apartment to come soon...
...and just a whole new year,
ready for all my New Years resolutions
#GradSchool ?
But most especially,
consistent realizations that life is good,
and I have been and always will be
helped in the direction that I need to go.
"We should certainly count our blessings,
but we should also make them count."
--Neal A. Maxwell