Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Santa,

Because I'm surrounded by kids every day,
and their favorite thing to do at Christmas time
is write and revise their Christmas lists,
(and I'm also a perpetual kid);

I've been thinking about my own Christmas wishlist...

1) I would just love a mini orange tree
like these cuties from tostinkincute

2) And seeing as my glasses prescription has changed,
I'd love to update my eye-wear with these sassy glasses...

3) I'd like to find a way to, well, find,
the LDS (and single)
version of Marcus Mumford

I know this is kind of a difficult list,
so I'll settle for two out of three.

I mean, I don't need
a mini orange tree... 

Yup that'd be great.
Thanks Santa you're the best.


Grateful for:
attending the best wedding I've ever been to,
chatting with my sweet friend and hearing her baby in the back ground,
being a nanny for some of the most intelligent kids
I've ever known,
planning what I'll give all my crazy siblings for Christmas,
making  Christmas presents,
the First Presidency Christmas Devotional,
being a member of an exceptional singles ward,
two jobs (to help me pay for Christmas presents),
a text from one of my favorite friends on Monday morning
informing me that Kate Middleton is preggers,
and the way that life just keeps moving and changing and evolving.
I've said it before,
but life is good.