Monday, February 27, 2012

Gluten Free Birthday Cake.

Yes it's true.  I'm now 24.  I've been telling people that this qualifies as old.
Or at least old-ER.

And I just had the best Birthday EVER.

Friday night: Birthday present from my boss was the night/weekend off, and so I went and had some Chuy's Birthday dinner with my favorites... or at least most of them... Jelly Man, Maxy and Emmacita and, Mom and Dad.  Side note: Emma did not wear this halo specifically for my Birthday, she'd just worn it to school that day.  She wears something similar EVERY DAY.  That's why we love her.

My Dad.  I just love him. A whole lot.

And my mom.... goodness gracious.  She bought me GLUTEN FREE CUPCAKES.  And made me a cake topper.  With Paris stuff on it.  Ummm, not that we ever doubted it, but isn't she just the BEST present giver in the world??  I keep telling her she should make it her profession.

. . .

And then after opening a few more cards/packages waiting for me at my apartment, on the morning of my Birthday (Saturday) I go to go to the temple with my awesome roommie and dear friend Amanda (and no, I'm not referring to myself in 3rd person).  It might have been the greatest Birthday ever.  I mean, can you think of a better place to celebrate the beginning of the next year of your life??  I can't!

And here's one of those packages I had found waiting for me: Birthday Puzzle from my favorite Sophie... from the Salt Lake City Childrens Museum... she knows me so well!!! (and yes, my pose is slightly ridiculous; I was trying to pop my foot to also show off my cute new shoes from my mom, but it didn't quite work out)

A huge thanks to all the people who posted on my facebook wall, texted me, called me, sent me cards, sent me packages, took me out to eat, drove me to the temple, and just sent me some general Birthday goodness!! Thank you dearest family and friends!  My whole Birthday weekend has been fuuuull of lovin'.  My life is so full and blessed because of YOU!!!!  Thank you!!

Monday, February 20, 2012


So I'm not a big TV watcher.  Well, I guess I should say I'm not a dedicated  TV watcher.  I do enjoy the travel, cooking, and even Disney channels, but I've never really been one to count down the hours until the next episode of something comes out to a particular show I'm dedicated to.  I tried that twice (with... I'm ashamed to admit it... "One Tree Hill"... baaaack in the day... and then I'm NOT ashamed to admit it; "Pushing Daisies") but life always tended to get in the way.  And I didn't mind.  I've always thought that friends and possible week-night adventures were more exciting, and I just simply don't think I have the attention span.  That's mostly it; I don't have the attention span to pick up where I left off a whole  week before.

But recently I discovered "Downton Abbey".  It's like a BBC movie... prolonged over episodes and episodes of twists and turns, which gives room for a whole lot of extra drama.  BRILLIANT.  I've found the TV show I will wait for.  Granted, I did watch every episode of season one and two over the last two weeks instead of having to wait for them, (this is what happens when the kids you nanny have a grandma come into town) but I'll now wait patiently for season 3.  And I will wait patiently each week for every next episode to come on. 

Season One.

 And Season Two.  Brilliant Cast.

 Complete with Dame Maggie Smith.  She's quite one of my favorite actresses and definitely my favorite character at Downton Abbey.

 And then there's the love stories (of course!!! and soooo tumultuous!): Mary and Matthew...

 Bates (gracious I LOVE him... and have since North and South--remember Nicholas??) and Anna

And Sybil and Branson... lovely!

K, I know this makes me suuuch a girl.  That's fine.  So worth it.  Buuut, the last episode did air tonight, so seeing as they're currently only filming season three, and they have to show it first in England... it seems I can resume a normal life for the time being.  And maybe go to bed before 3 in the morning.  That'll probably be good.

Grateful for: ALLLLL of Sister Beck's comments from this weekend.  More about that later.  But bottom line; the Relief Society is so super rad, and I'm grateful to be a part of such an incomprehensibly amazing organization.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine...

I waaas going to post about how I'm a Valentines hater.  In fact, I'd written the entire post.  It was slightly seething... buuut then, Valentines happened.  I got a little collection of perfectly thoughtful gifts from my dear mother.  I got a call from my very cutest little Californian cousins and aunt and uncle.  I got a lovely rose from an absolutely lovely lady in my ward.  I got a rose from my home teacher.  I got a Valentine from the little girl I nanny.  I got the very sweetest email from my daddy that made me cry a little bit.  I even saw "The Vow" with some of the greatest ladies I know... who also happen to be single ladies; superb women.. Oh! And I even got to talk to my favorite, and pretend-older-brother (but really my cousin) Brandon.  Glorious day.  So I quit hatin'.

Instead, I shall just post a video of who my imaginary Valentine was today.  His name is Johnny Flynn.  I have juuuust a little crush.  K, maybe a little bit bigger than a little crush.

Happy Valentines to you.

Grateful for: Allll the love in my life.

" 'By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another' (John 13:34-35) The love the Savior described is an active love.  It is not manifested through large and heroic deeds but rather through simple acts of kindness and service." --M. Russell Ballard

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I think I'm the only person who enjoys dances...

...or at least admits to it.

But before we open THAT can of worms, can I just show you what came in the mail for me??

From my very dearest cousin Summer Marie... the cuuutest little towel with the Eiffel Tower on it, that also happens to have "Dream Big" stitched into it.  How perfect right? I am in LOVE with it.  Isn't Summer the sweetest?? And so talented?  You definitely need to check out her ETSY shop

Ok enough cuteness; back to the issue at hand.

Tomorrow night = YSA "pink dance" at the institute building.
I'm not sure anyone else is going.
Except myself.

I LOVE these things.
The awkward conversations.
The occasional lack of rhythm.

I feel really comfortable at church dances.
I guess I was always disappointed after school dances.
I just saw some sides of people I wished I hadn't.
And, because of that fact, I never felt like I could totally join in on the dancing fun.
I didn't ever want to get thaaat close to people.
Legitimately awkward.

Stake/YSA dances on the other hand;
only awkward when people feel weird dancing.
Some people though just totally let go;
because they don't have to be so worried about the other kind of awkwardness.
It's a nice break.

 I  feel like I can totally be myself at these things.

I LOVE dancing.
I LOVE music.
I LOVE moving and getting my heart pumping.

I have always loved church dances.
The first one I went to when I was 14 was magical.
I realized that my shyness did not spill over onto the dance floor.
I wasn't required to be a superb conversationalist,
just bust a move and enjoy myself.
And enjoy myself I did.
And have continued to do so for the last decade.

I promise if you come to a dance with me you will enjoy yourself.
I will make up a dance with you.
There will be booty-shakin.
Lots of laughing--
at ourselves mostly...
and just a whole lot of fun.

So quit being a hater!

Grateful for: yummy sushi, and shoe sales

Quote of the day: (talking about Visiting Teaching) "Because we follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, we value this sacred assignment to love, know , serve, understand, teach, and minister in His behalf" --Sister Julie B. Beck... soooooooooo excited she's coming to Austin!!!!!